Osaretin's Blog

Did you know you can create your own operator in Swift? 😲

Introduction Swift is a powerful and flexible programming language that provides developers with a wide range of tools and features to express their ideas and solve complex problems. One of the le...

Automatic Grammar Agreement Makes It Easy to Handle Plurals in Your iOS App

In the world of mobile development, attention to detail is crucial. Every aspect of a mobile app, from its functionality to its user interface, needs to be carefully designed and curated for an ama...

Delaying Work with DispatchQueue

In mobile engineering, there are situations where we might need to introduce delays in our code execution. This delay could be useful for scenarios such as scheduling tasks, managing animations, or...

What @MainActors do in a Minute

Introduction In the world of mobile engineering, it’s a widely accepted convention that UI-related tasks should be executed on the main thread. If you’ve worked with UIKit, you’re likely familiar ...

How to Develop and Nurture a Reading Habit

In today’s world of constant digital distractions, cultivating a reading habit can be a transformative endeavor. Reading is not just a pastime; it is a meta-skill that enhances your knowledge, acce...

Simplify JSON Decoding in iOS with this Neat Little Trick

Introduction In iOS development, working with JSON data is a common task. To simplify the process of decoding JSON into Swift objects, Apple introduced the Decodable protocol. Decodable is a power...

Using the Dump Method to Debug iOS Apps

Debugging is an essential part of iOS development process, and the dump method is a powerful tool that can help you quickly diagnose and fix issues in your code. In this article, we’ll take a look ...

What's The Difference Between SwiftUI's @StateObject and @ObservedObject

KEY POINT: @StateObject: Perfect for creating an ObservableObject inside a main view, while @ObservedObject is perfect for injecting an ObservableObject into a child view. Try to stay away from ...

How to Leverage SwiftUI's TabView to Create Custom TabBars

Introduction When it comes to creating a seamless and user-friendly tab-based interface in our iOS app, SwiftUI’s TabView component is at the forefront of the list of powerful tools available. The...

Creating Visual Cohesion in SwiftUI Apps. A Step-by-Step Guide to Themes

The Need For Visual Cohesion In SwiftUI, theming your app can be a powerful way to create a consistent and visually appealing user interface. By defining a set of colors that represent your app’s ...