Osaretin's Blog

What are Associated Types in Swift?

TLDR Allows us to define placeholder types inside of our protocols, these placeholder’s actual types are then determined by the classes or structs that conforms to the protocol. Associated ty...

Accessing your App's User Defaults from Widgets Extension in Swift iOS

iOS Widgets offer a friendly and effortless way for users to get quick information and perform actions without navigating through the main app. However, when creating widgets we often face the comm...

Utilizing SwiftUI's ViewBuilder to Simplify Dynamic View Composition

TLDR The fundamental building block of SwiftUI declarative nature that allows us to construct dynamic and conditional views in swiftUI. It allows us to pass multiple child views as parameter, c...

Leveraging the 💫 Magic of DisclosureGroup to Build Collapsible Views in SwiftUI

Intro One of the beautiful things about SwiftUI is its abundance of underrated components and modifiers that make the iOS developer experience incredibly easy and enjoyable. One such gem in the Sw...

Understanding Opaque Types in Swift 👉Abstraction and Encapsulation Made Easy👈

Opaque types in Swift are a language feature introduced in Swift 5.1. They provide a way to define and work with types that hide their implementation details while still offering a clear interface....

Leveraging Swift Dispatch Group to Coordinate Asynchronous Tasks

TLDR Dispatch groups allow us to manage and group multiple async tasks together and wait for all of them to finish before continuing with the rest of our code. Building fast and responsive ap...

Implementing Picture-in-Picture in Swift for iOS

In today’s fast-paced world, users crave flexibility and the ability to multitask effortlessly. Imagine a scenario where your iOS app allows users to continue watching their favorite videos while b...

5 Underrated SwiftUI Modifiers

SwiftUI is a powerful declarative framework for building user interfaces in Swift. For iOS developers, it’s essentially the best thing since sliced bread. One of the neat little things that allows ...

Did you know you can create your own operator in Swift? 😲

Introduction Swift is a powerful and flexible programming language that provides developers with a wide range of tools and features to express their ideas and solve complex problems. One of the le...

Automatic Grammar Agreement Makes It Easy to Handle Plurals in Your iOS App

In the world of mobile development, attention to detail is crucial. Every aspect of a mobile app, from its functionality to its user interface, needs to be carefully designed and curated for an ama...