Osaretin's Blog

The Modern iOS 14 Photo Picker

Prior to iOS 14, the quickest and simplest way to fetch photos from the user’s photo library was through the UIImagePickerController class. However, starting from iOS 14.0, Apple is providing us de...

How To Remove Empty PHAssetCollections from a PHFetchResult

fileprivate var smartAlbums = PHFetchResult<PHAssetCollection>() fileprivate var userCreatedAlbums = PHFetchResult<PHAssetCollection>() fileprivate func fetchPhotoAssets(){ /* fetches...

The 18 Books I Read in 2021

The truth is, I started reading habitually again in 2020 during the lockdown for self-improvement. I saw it mainly as a tool to upskill myself and fill in the blind spots on my worldviews and bus...

How to remove and untrack committed files in git

Sometimes we accidentally commit and publish sensitive files, credentials or even private API keys to our repositories. Undoing this blunder can be quite frustrating if you are not familiar with gi...