Osaretin's Blog

Understanding SwiftUI's GeometryReader

Key Point GeometryReader allows us to size and position our SwiftUI views relative to their container views. Intro Introduced in June 2019 as a core component of the SwiftUI framework, G...

GraphQL in 10 Minutes

Introduction to GraphQL GraphQL is a query language for your API that allows you to ask for specific data from a server, and get exactly what you need in a single request. It was created by Facebo...

5 Tips for Effectively Using Google as a Software Engineer

Introduction As software engineers, we often rely on Google to find information and resources related to our work. Whether we’re looking for documentation, code examples, or solutions to specific ...

The SUCCESs Formula that will make your ideas stick

Have you ever had a great idea that you were sure would be a hit, only to have it fall flat? Or perhaps you’ve presented a proposal at work that you were confident would be well received, only to h...

Ace Your iOS Interview✔️ Multithreading Questions

Continuing from Part 2 If you’re an iOS developer preparing for an interview or looking to enhance your multithreading skills, you’ve come to the right place! Multithreading is a vital aspect of i...

Ace Your iOS Interview✔️ A List of Frequently Asked Questions [Part 2]

Continuing from Part 1 Welcome back to our series on frequently asked questions in iOS interviews! In the first part of this series, we covered a range of easy questions that are frequently asked ...

Ace Your iOS Interview✔️ A List of Frequently Asked Questions [Part 1]

Getting Started As an iOS developer, you know that acing your job interview is crucial for landing your dream job. To help you prepare for your next interview, we’ve compiled a list of some of the...

A beginner's guide to weak and unowned references in Swift

In Swift, weak and unowned are two keywords that you can use to define a reference to an object. Both weak and unowned references are used to avoid strong reference cycles, which can cause memory l...

The DRY myth, why clarity trumps code reuse

Introduction In software development, there is often a trade-off between clarity and DRYness (Don’t Repeat Yourself). Clarity refers to the degree to which your code is easy to understand, maintai...

From 🔥 Burnout to Thriving 🙌 A Guide for Software Developers

Recognizing The Problem As a software developer, you may face long hours, tight deadlines, and complex challenges on a daily basis. This can lead to burnout, a state of physical, emotional, and me...