Home The Sinatra Test & Credibility

The Sinatra Test & Credibility

We all believe that our ideas should be credible on their own merits, simply because we use compelling statistics. Unfortunately, this is an incorrect assumption. Developing credibility, for our ideas and ourselves goes beyond just predictable statistics or plausible details. Authors Chip and Dan Heath believes there is a more optimal strategy for building credibility. They presented the idea of the Sinatra Test in their Best-selling book Made to Stick.
Coined from Frank Sinatra’s song New York, New York, which goes “If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere.”

What is the Sinatra Test?

Sinatra tests are powerful credentials that are based on verifiable objective facts. Where one example alone is enough to establish your credibility in a specific domain.

Concrete Examples

  • For instance, if you’re a caterer that has catered for a White House function in the past, you can compete for any catering contract in the future.
  • If you’re a software developer that has built an open-source project that has thousands of stars on github, you probably won’t need much of a resume or cover letter to land an engineering role at a big tech firm.
  • If the first angel-investor in your startup is Peter Thiel, you probably won’t need an elevator pitch to get more seed capital.

What’s the Big Deal?

Passing the Sinatra test distinguishes you from the competition because you have achieved tough goals in adjacent or complementary domains in the past. It’s sort of a If they can do x, they can do y heuristic that signals your credibility to others.

How to Pass the Sinatra Test

Fundamentally the sinatra test is all about signaling credibility to others. The quickest way to accomplish this, is by focusing on projects, products or initiatives that are bold, challenging and public. Think of things you can do that has practical value and is visible to others in your domain. Those are what really signals your competence.
Now, with the Internet, signaling credibility and competence can be created through an organic approach, by leveraging your online presence to:

  • Write a book
  • Build an app
  • Start a blog
  • Share your domain specific knowledge
  • Help others succeed etc.

The bolder the better. The more visible it is, the higher the social currency you will gain.


Next time you’re entering a new domain or perhaps competing for a valuable opportunity, think of what your sinatra test should be. What can you show that will separate you from the pack. What singular example or experience do you have that signals your competence in that domain. 👋

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