Home About

Osaretin Uyigue

⌛️ Me in 25 seconds

I’m a Product-Driven  iOS Engineer with keen Interests in Product Design, Behavioral Economics, Psychology, and Growth Hacking. I have Strong foundations in Swift programming language, Apple’s design principles, interface guidelines, and Software development best practices.

 About my iOS Journey…

I have been building iOS apps consistently since 2016. I have 6 years of experience, an app named Grinn on the App Store and two more apps in development. I have cloned all sorts of ios apps from Instagram, to Youtube, TikTok, iMessage, Spotify etc. I’m competent in Swift, programmatic UIKit development, SwiftUI and familiar with lots of iOS frameworks like avfoundation, avkit, photoskit, core animation, core graphics, mapkit, core data etc. I have an extensive list of toy projects that i’m always tinkering with on my free time, check out my github repo for more of those.

Where I Really Shine…👨🏿‍💻

I excel at the intersection of crafting engaging mobile experiences for consumer-facing products while leveraging behavioral psychology to enhance the product’s adoption. My passion for learning fuels my progress and dedication to mastery. While I have a keen instinct and flair for product design, the true joy for me lies in the world of iOS engineering.

🔁 What I Do…

I code a lot 👨‍💻

I build and maintain Grinn, along with two other productivity and personal growth hacking apps that’s currently in development.

I read a lot 🤓

About 2 to 3 books a month. Check out my 2021 read list for awesome book recommendations.

I write a lot ✍️

Blogging about book summaries and insightful software development tips.

I train a lot 🏋️‍♀️

Competitive strength athlete with a 440lbs bench press, 650lbs raw squat and 700lbs deadlift.

👀 I’m interested in…

  • All things Mobile-Engineering.
  • All things Product Design → UI & UX Design.
  • All things Growth Hacking → Behavioral Economics + Choice Architecture.
  • Collaborating with smart, creative and competent product developers.

🌱 I’m Currently Learning…

  • Digital Art 🎨
  • Spatial Engineering: [VisionOS & RealityKit] 🥽
  • Backend Engineering: [Vapor 💧 & NodeJS] 👨🏿‍💻

📖 I’m Currently Reading…

‟Favorite Quote”

  • “Action Produces Information”- Paul Graham